The University of California is a system of 10 campuses, five medical centers and three affiliated national laboratories.

The Office of the President coordinates activities that allow a complex and unique system to operate efficiently as one university, furthering its public interest, academic and research missions. It oversees and manages programs that serve the entire university system, allowing campuses to capture the savings and efficiencies that come from centralized operations.

After a systemwide rebranding effort our team was tasked with designing an updated stationery and collateral system to serve an organization of 1,600 employees.

Creative direction: Vanessa Corrêa, Matt Glass

Systemwide business card. It was a challenge building a system that supports 1,000+ employees. Required elements include employee name, title, department, contact details, address and URL.


We designed the letterhead to have a sidebar anchored beneath the wordmark. This allows plenty of space for address, contact information, as well as necessary systemwide details: campus, medical center and national laboratories.


Our brand messaging bible. A 48-page booklet that articulates our brand platform and positioning. Initially designed to be produced and distributed to all employees inside the tote bag, shown below.


Brand website. Guidelines and tenants for employees and colleagues to effectively utilize the brand and its resources. See it live!
